Welcome to the Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh website. Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh is a growing community in Beit Shemesh, lead by HaRav Shalom Rosner. Founded in 2008, the community is constantly expanding. Please feel free to browse the website to find out more about who we are, what we're doing and more.

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Checks can be made payable to 'American Friends of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh Inc.'(tax deductible) and mailed to: 
American Friends of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh, 525 Chestnut Street, Suite 204, Cedarhurst, NY 11516, or you can click below to donate(please consider adding 2.5% to cover the service cost)


For More Donation Options Click Here


Year תשפ"ה 2024
Parshat האזינו
Erev Shabbat
Mincha and Kabalat Shabbat 17:50
Candle Lighting 18:21
Early Shacharit 06:45
Daf Yomi 07:30
Shacharit  08:30
Mincha Gedola 13:30
Women's Tehillim 14:45
Shiur 15:30
Mincha Ktana 17:15
Sunset 18:22
Ma'ariv & Shabbat Ends 18:56
Weekdays (6-11 October 2024)
Slichot 1 05:35
Shacharit 1 06:10
Slichot 2 07:25
Shacharit 2 08:00
Mincha Gedola 13:30
Mincha/Ma'ariv "Bazman" 18:00/18:45
Late Ma'ariv 21:15
Shacharit and Slichot 1 06:10
Shacharit and Slichot 2 07:25
Women's Tehillim 09:00


Community Announcements

shalomravinfo  Sefer “Shalom Rav” We are pleased to announce that Harav Shalom Rosner has published the second sefer, in the Shalom Rav series, a compilation of Divrei Torah on...
siymyomhazikaron5777  קהילת נופי השמשיוזמת "סיום ש"ס משניות"עד ליל יום העצמאות הבעל"טלזכרם של כל חללי מערכות ישראל ופעולות האיבה Click here to look up what Mishnayot you...

Community Spotlights

david-and-lisa-schlusselDavid and Lisa Schlussel left New Milford, New Jersey for Beit Shemesh in 2010. They have five wonderful children; Moshe (age 16), Mordechai...
ari-and-rachel-gruenspechtAri, who works in diamonds and jewelry, and Rachel Gruenspecht made aliyah from Teaneck, New Jersey in 2010. They have four wonderful children;...
yossi-and-sharon-lupasYossi and Sharon Lupas made aliyah to Bet Shemesh in 2007 from Toronto, Canada where they were members of Shomrei Shabbos. Yossi works in Petach...

Experience Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh


 קיץ נעים מקהילת נופי השמש